A forerunner is a person sent before to announce or prepare the way for another; a herald. John the Baptist was a perfect example of a Forerunner. He announced the coming of the Lord and ushered in an era of revival. We've learned that revival is not an event, but a culture. Our vision is to infiltrate culture and leave a legacy in this generation that will encourage them to embrace their imperfections and not be ashamed of their story.
Un "Forerunner" es una persona enviada antes para anunciar o preparar el camino para otro; un heraldo. Juan el Bautista fue un ejemplo perfecto de Forerunner. Anunció la venida del Señor e inauguró una era de avivamiento. Hemos aprendido que el avivamiento no es un evento, sino una cultura. Nuestra visión es infiltrar la cultura y dejar un legado en esta generación que los anime a abrazar sus imperfecciones y no avergonzarse de su historia.
A forerunner is a person sent before to announce or prepare the way for another; a herald. John the Baptist was a perfect example of a Forerunner. He announced the coming of the Lord and ushered in an era of revival. We've learned that revival is not an event, but a culture. Our vision is to infiltrate culture and leave a legacy in this generation that will encourage them to embrace their imperfections and not be ashamed of their story.¡Suscríbete a nuestro boletín para mantenerse actualizado con todo lo que estamos haciendo!
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